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The Design Process Begins once I receive your deposit. You will not receive open booking dates until your deposit is received. 

This deposit Will go toward the total cost of your tattoo.

Deposits are non-refundable for any reason. Even in the case of a medical emergency. It is unfortunate when this happens and I feel for my clients. Remember that when a cancelation occurs for any reason, I also lose out on a few hundred dollars or even a full days work. Consider the loss of your deposit a 50/50 loss on both our parts.

Your deposit is reserved for your last session to ensure that you complete the tattoo.

After the second cancellation or no-show, you will not be able to re-schedule an appointment.


Your hourly rate starts once you walk in the door.
Studio Time Includes design revision, tattoo Stencil Preparation and client breaks. If I need a personal break for lunch, etc. you will not be charged. 

If you are late to an appointment, you will be charged starting at the appointment time scheduled.
Hourly & Daily rates are subject to change depending on the city, tattoo style & time of year.

( 6 HOURS )

Your daily session starts once you walk in the door.  Studio Time Includes design revision,  tattoo Stencil Preparation and client breaks. If I need a personal break for lunch, etc. you will not be charged.  Daily rates are more financially suitable for clients who are doing large, complex or realistic tattoos.

If you are late to an appointment, you will be charged starting at the appointment time scheduled.
Hourly & Daily rates are subject to change depending on the city, tattoo style & time of year.

Your $200 deposit goes toward your tattoo session. Even for small tattoos that take less than an hour, the minimum is $200. 

T I N Y  T A T T O O S

For more information click here.

Occasionally, I will assign a custom price for a particular piece. This can be above or below my normal rate. Certain pieces may take more or l
ess skill, time, or energy. The level of difficulty as well as client loyalty can alter the price of a tattoo. This will, however, be clearly communicated to the client before we start the tattoo process.







If you haven't gotten a hyper-realistic tattoo before, you may be surprised at how long your session(s) take. A realistic tattoo requires layering.  Contact me directly if you have any questions regarding the time-frame of your session.

C A S H   P R E F E R R E D
You do not pay tax or a service fee when you pay in cash

 V E N M O  &  C R E D I T  C A R D S 
Mastercard/Visa ( Tax / Service fees Apply)
Venmo @SailiaTattoo

  A F T E R P A Y 
Pay for your tattoo in 4 Interest - Free payments
Download the App & get approved in 5 minutes
Does not effect your Credit

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